1. 99% of Finns take a sauna at least once a week.
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  2. African bongos eat burned wood after lightning storms.
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  3. On April Fool's day in 1976, BBC convinced many listeners that a special alignment of the planets would temporarily decrease gravity on Earth. Phone lines were flooded with callers who claimed they felt the effects.
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  4. Just one insectivorous bat can eat 600 or more mosquitoes in a single hour.
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  5. Giant anteaters do not have teeth; instead, they have tongues reaching as much as 610 mm (2 ft.) in length.
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  6. Chimps use medicinal plants to treat themselves for illness and injury.
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  7. The more attractive a woman is, the less likely a man is to intend to use a condom during sex with her, according to a study.
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  8. Llamas usually spit to settle an argument over food or to decide which is the dominant llama.
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  9. Crows in New Caledonia were found to be bending twigs into hooks to extract food hidden in wooden logs, confirming that wild birds can make tools.
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  10. There is a city in the United States called George, Washington.
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  11. Giant rats have been trained to sniff out land mines in Africa. In Mozambique, they have already been instrumental in the removal of 13,000 mines, helping reclaim 1,100 hectares of land.
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  12. 66 million
    primary school age children across the developing world attend classes hungry.
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  13. The static on TV is referred to as "myrornas krig" in Sweden, meaning "war of the ants."
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  14. Serial killer Ted Bundy once worked at a Suicide Hotline Crisis Center and was described by co-workers as being kind, solicitous and empathetic.
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  15. When illusionist David Copperfield and his assistants were held up at gunpoint in 2006, he used sleight of hand to conceal his possessions from the robber.
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  16. 1 in 200 cats suffer from asthma.
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  17. The U.S. is the world's largest exporter of sperm.
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  18. How you serve food and drink matters in the perception of taste. Hot chocolate tastes better in orange cups, scientists found.
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  19. The BBC offers free online language courses.
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  20. Horse-eating is called Hippophagy.
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  21. On average, voice actors in video games make just a bit over US$800 for a four-hour session.
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  22. Half a million solar panels per day were installed in 2015.
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  23. A century ago, men were 3 times as likely as women to have a problem with alcohol. Among people born in the 1990s, the odds are about the same.
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  24. The man who was believed to have introduced HIV to North America, sometimes called "Patient Zero", was actually not the initial source of the virus on this continent, recent research shows.
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  25. There are 4,746 people in the U.S. with an identical first and last name, being Thomas Thomas the most common.
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  26. 121 million children of primary and lower-secondary school age were out of school in 2014.
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  27. 1 in 3 people people lack access to basic sanitation services, such as toilets or latrines.
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  28. The global average sea level rose by 19 cm (7.4 in) from 1901 to 2010, as oceans expanded due to warming and melting ice.
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  29. Steve Jobs used to withdraw just US$1 as his annual salary from Apple's account as CEO.
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  30. American Diplomat Frank Kellogg won the Nobel Peace Prize for the 1928 peace Pact in which Germany and Japan agreed to avoid future wars.
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