1. 20%
    of women in the U.S. earn at least $5,000 more than their spouse.
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  2. Every 90 seconds, one woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth.
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  3. All of the 20 richest women in the world --except for #17-- inherited their money from either their husband or their father.
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  4. Women speak about 20,000 words a day. That's 13,000 more than the average man.
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  5. Women in ancient Rome wore the sweat of Gladiators to improve their beauty and complexion.
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  6. The average woman in the UK owns 19 pairs of shoes, but wears only 7.
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  7. In Russia there are 9 million more Women than men.
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  8. 40%
    of births in the U.S. come from unmarried women.
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  9. Women spend nearly one year of their lives deciding what to wear.
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  10. Women cry on average between 30 and 64 times a year while men cry between 6 and 17 times.
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  11. Men lie 6 times
    a day, twice as
    often as women.
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  12. Men were the first to wear high heels around the 1600s. Women began wearing them to look more masculine.
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  13. Israel is the only country in the world
    to draft women into Military service.
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  14. Instead of chest pains, heart attacks in women have nausea, indigestion, and shoulder aches.
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  15. 4%
    of women in the U.S. are pregnant right now.
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  16. Women's hearts beat faster than men's.
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  17. The woman who underwent the world's first successful womb transplant became pregnant in 2013.
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  18. Women spend
    over 4 years (in total)
    of their lives
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  19. Women have more taste buds than men.
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  20. Women who snore during pregnancy are more likely to have smaller babies, according to a study.
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  21. Some women can have a genetic mutation which causes them to see millions of more colors.
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  22. Taller women are more likely to get cancer, according to a study.
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  23. An average woman in the UK will own 111 handbags in her lifetime.
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  24. 30%
    of pregnant women crave nonfood items, an eating disorder called pica.
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  25. 40,000 U.S. women might be
    allergic to male ejaculate.
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  26. Women can get pregnant even 5 to 8 days after having sex.
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  27. The most children born to one woman is 69.
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  28. 68%
    of women say they would have an affair if they knew they could get away with it.
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  29. Women think about their appearance 9 times a day, a UK survey found.
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  30. Women were first allowed to participate in the Olympic Games in 1900.
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  31. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women.
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  32. Women are better multitaskers
    than men.
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  33. 1 in every 6 women
    has been the victim
    of sexual assault
    in the U.S.
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  34. Only 2% of women describe themselves as beautiful.
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  35. Women blink 19 times per minute, compared to 11 for men.
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  36. Women in Niger have an average of 7 children, the world's highest rate.
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  37. Over 80% of women wear the wrong bra size.
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  38. Women live longer than men
    partly because their immune systems age more slowly.
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  39. The average woman in the UK has 150 different hairstyles in her lifetime.
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  40. Women experience significantly more nightmares than men and have more emotional dreams, a research found.
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  41. Despite popular belief, studies show men are not more flatulent than women.
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  42. Jamaica, Colombia and St Lucia are the only countries where a woman is more likely to be a boss than a man.
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  43. In the 1920's and early 1930's, women dominated the screenwriting profession in Hollywood's movies.
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  44. 30%
    of businesses in the U.S. are owned by women.
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  45. In China, women who remain unmarried in their late 20s and beyond are called "Sheng nu" which means "leftover women."
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  46. Every 13 minutes, a woman dies from breast cancer in the U.S.
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  47. Men sweat up to twice as much as women.
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  48. The United Arab Emirates has the biggest gender imbalance in the world, with 219 men for every 100 women.
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  49. Shorter women have shorter pregnancies, a study found.
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  50. Miami is the only major U.S. city that was founded by a woman.
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  51. In middle school, 74% of girls express interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, but when choosing a college major, just 0.4% of high school girls select computer science.
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  52. Worldwide, women earn US$18 trillion but spend US$28 trillion.
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  53. The smallest wage gap between men and women is to be found in New Zealand: under 5%.
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  54. In developing countries, women are half as likely as men to speak out online.
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  55. The modern concept of women shaving their armpits only began in 1915.
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  56. Oxytocin is believed to have a more significant impact on women than on men, which may be why women associate sexual attraction or sexual activity with romance and love more than men do.
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  57. Up to a third
    of women
    are affected by
    urinary incontinence.
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  58. Just HALF of women surveyed in the UK could locate the vagina on a diagram of the female reproductive system.
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  59. 30% of adult women surveyed reported they had some pain the last time they had sex.
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  60. The first computer programmers were women.
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  61. Over 800,000 women served in the Soviet armed forces in WW2.
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  62. It is possible to determine a person's gender from a fingerprint. Women secrete twice as many amino acids as men and in a distinct distribution, studies say.
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  63. Gender equality in the workplace could add US$4.3 trillion to the U.S. economy by 2025, a 2016 study found.
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  64. In the 19th century, doctors treated hysteria in women by inducing orgasms. This is how the vibrator was invented.
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  65. Over 200 women have run for President of the United States.
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  66. 1 in 4 women between 16 and 24 have harmed themselves, a survey in England suggests.
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  67. 603 million women live in nations where domestic violence is not a crime.
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  68. The buyers of the Fifty Shades of Grey books are 80% female.
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  69. 1 in 3 women in the U.S. regularly watch porn.
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  70. The average woman generates 300 pounds of tampon trash in her lifetime.
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  71. St Lucia is the only country in the world named after a woman.
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  72. Women who get breast implants are 3 times more likely to commit suicide.
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  73. Only half of women in developing regions receive the recommended amount of health care they need for maternity.
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  74. Bras make breasts sag, according to a French study published in 2013.
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  75. A woman's vaginal muscles can take up to 6 months to get back to their normal shape and size after childbirth.
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  76. After an Islamic cleric blamed women who dress provocatively for earthquakes in 2010, 100,000 women joined for a "Boobquake" to test the theory. Nothing happened.
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  77. A woman's hippocampus —central to memories, mood, and emotions—grows in sync with estrogen levels as she goes through her menstrual cycle.
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  78. Breastfeeding actually changes the way a mother's brain works, making her more attuned to the child's crying.
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  79. Italy has the biggest gender gap when it comes to carving up chores. Italian women clock up 21 hours more per week than men on housework.
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  80. Women are 50% less likely to access the Internet than men in poor urban communities.
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  81. According to a U.K. study, the average woman spends 17 years of her life dieting.
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  82. One of the first woman in the world to receive an academic degree and the first to receive a Ph.D. degree did it in 1678 in Padua, Italy.
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  83. An extra year of education can help a girl earn 20% more as an adult.
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  84. The first female governor of a U.S. state was elected in 1924.
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  85. In the U.S., it's estimated that women account for 85% of consumer spending.
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  86. Anxiety, depression, phobias or obsessive compulsive disorder affect 26% of UK women ages 16 to 24.
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  87. America's first female mayor was elected in 1887. A group of men nominated her as a prank, but she won over 60% of the vote.
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  88. Over 80 women have been elected or appointed as head of government of their respective countries.
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  89. Over 50 women were elected for president or prime minister in modern history.
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  90. Dirty water kills more women worldwide than diabetes, AIDS, or breast cancer.
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  91. 90% of Iceland's female population went on strike on October 24, 1975, demanding equal rights. They did not work, do housework, or look after their kids for an entire day.
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  92. Today's human population is descended from twice as many women as men. About 80% of women reproduced, whereas only 40% of men did.
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  93. In Northern Ireland, women earn 3.4% more than men on average.
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  94. The sign for the female sex (♀) represents the hand mirror of Aphrodite, the greek goddess of beauty.
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  95. Women have larger pupils than men.
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