Sharks kill 12 people per yearwhile people kill 11,417
sharks per hour.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE -
Whale Sharks can live up to 100 years.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Sharks have an astounding sense of smell, so powerful that they can detect a single drop of blood in an Olympic-sized pool.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Sharks will sink if they stop swimming.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
New Yorkers bite 10 times morepeople than sharks do worldwide.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
You are more likely to die from a falling coconut than from a shark attack.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Sharks can be introverts or extroverts.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There's a shark in Greenland that eats polar bears and can live up to 200 years.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
As soon as tiger shark embryos develop teeth, they attack and eat each other in the womb.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Female Greenland sharks reach sexual maturity at age 150.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The "Shortfin Mako" Shark can accelerate faster than a Porsche.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
It is believed that sharks first appeared
420 million years ago.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE -
Great white sharks can go for months without eating.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Sharks can grow a new set of teeth in 8 days.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Playing dead will help you survive a shark attack, MythBusters confirmed.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The author of Jaws dedicated the last decade of his life to the preservation of sharks to make up for the mass hysteria he helped create.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Because of female sharks' resistance, fewer than 10% of mating attempts actually succeed.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The outside of shark teeth is made up of fluoride, the active component of most toothpaste, so Sharks never get cavities.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The skin of a female shark is much thicker than that of a malebecause males bite females during mating.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
About 50 different shark species glow in the dark. That's about 10% of all known sharks.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Sharks have eyelids, but they do not blink because the surrounding water cleans their eyes.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Sharks have survived 5 mass extinctions.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Female sharks can store sperm for up to a year before using it to fertilise their eggs.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Signs that a circling shark will attack: it will hunch its back, lower its pectoral fins and swim in zigzag motions.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Some Greenland sharks alive today were born before the English Civil War.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Some captive female sharks have been known to reproduce without the aid of a male, essentially cloning themselves.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Sharks have rush hour too: a study found that shark traffic on major routes around Palmyra Atoll peaked between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Sharks are older than trees.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Every winter, great white sharks swim for 40 days to meet up between Mexico and Hawaii, and nobody knows why.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE