There are 52,000 tonnes of minable gold still in the ground worth US$2 trillion.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Honey has antiseptic properties due to its ability to produce hydrogen peroxide within.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the most populated officially Francophone country, not France.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Less than 10% of tiger's hunts end successfully.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Machu Picchu wasn't known to the world until a Yale Professor , Hiram Bingham, re-discovered it in 1911.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Deforestation rates in Africa are twice the average. More than 4 million hectares (9.9m acres) of forest are lost every year.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Tardigrades are the most durable of known organisms, withstanding temperature ranges from −458 °F (−272 °C) to 300 °F (150 °C), and pressures 6 times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Female glow-worms attract mates by the green luminescence of their "lanterns."♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Some interns at Google earn up to US$90,000.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Denver, Colorado, has more marihuana dispensaries than liquor stores or public schools.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Human beings have as many brain cells in their stomachs as cats have in their brains.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Billionaire Howard Hughes stored his own urine in bottles.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The term "Banana republic" was coined in 1904 to describe Honduras.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
When Eminem won the Academy Award for Best Original Song, he didn't attend the ceremony. He was taking a nap after watching cartoons with his daughter.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Mercury has the greatest temperature difference from day to night in the solar system: 840°F in the day, plummeting to minus 275°F at night.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
For about US$800 a night, you can stay at the Caverns Suite, located 220 feet below the Grand Canyon.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Only the 5 first U.S. presidents were never photographed.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Africa had up to 10,000 different states and autonomous groups with distinct languages and customs before it was colonized.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Looking at a photo of a loved one reduces pain by 44%, a study found.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
85%people survive breast cancer beyond 5 years.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Over 800,000 women served in the Soviet armed forces in WW2.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The first computer programmers were women.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. military spent over US$20 billion a year on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan. That's more than NASA's budget.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The typical American lives no more than 18 miles from their mom.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Christopher Walken likes to edit the punctuation of every script he gets, so he can say things the way he wants to.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The man who invented the Frisbee was cremated and made into Frisbees after he died.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Two-thirds of the world's polar bears live in Canada.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Qatar is the only country that begins with a Q and Iraq is the only country that ends with one.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
When last names were created in Thailand in 1913, law required all names to be unique, so the only way two Thais would have the same last name would be if they were related.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE