1. The word "OK" originated in 1839 when a newspaper used it as a funny abbreviation of "oll korrect."
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  2. Night and day on Earth only appear to last 45 minutes from the International Space Station.
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  3. A six-limbed octopus was found by an American family on vacation in 2013. It was only the second recorded worldwide. They ate it.
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  4. The octopus' suction cups are equipped with chemoreceptors so it can taste what it is touching.
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  5. Comet Lovejoy released as much alcohol as the amount found in 500 bottles of wine every second during its peak activity.
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  6. In about 5 billion years, the Sun will deplete its supply of hydrogen and helium, turning into a red giant star, consuming Mercury and Venus and maybe even Earth.
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  7. The Fastest Goal in Soccer history was scored just over 2 seconds after kick-off.
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  8. Isaac Newton's last words were, "the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."
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  9. Although Porsche is owned by Volkswagen Group, Volkswagen Group is owned by Porsche Holdings.
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  10. Two engineering students developed a way to extinguish fires using sound waves.
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  11. Research shows that drama classes are particularly useful for improving the social skills of autistic children.
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  12. Actor Michael B. Jordan's father is named Michael A. Jordan.
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  13. Eleutheromania
    is an intense and irresistible desire for freedom.
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  14. All the gold ever mined in the world could fit into a cube with sides of 20.7m (68ft).
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  15. Frances Bean Cobain, Kurt Cobain's daughter, doesn't like Nirvana. She prefers Oasis.
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  16. Researchers have found that people with a large network of friends outlive their counterparts by 22%.
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  17. A man from the Philippines had 23 surgeries to look like Superman.
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  18. The only English word with three "Y" is "syzygy," which happens to describe the alignment of 3 celestial bodies in a straight line.
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  19. Grown pandas have to eat as much as 80 pounds of bamboo per day to meet their nutritional needs.
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  20. On 9/11, four people in the South Tower of the WTC managed to escape from a floor above the plane's impact.
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  21. Kanye West Was Once Busted Torrenting Music Software From The Pirate Bay.
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  22. Antarctica was once covered in rich green forests and inhabited by dinosaurs, during one of Earth's warmest cycles.
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  23. Nearly 1 in 5 people in South Africa is HIV positive, one of the biggest rates in the world.
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  24. Boanthropy is a psychological disorder where people think they're cows.
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  25. France has no official racial statistics, due to being an "ideally colorblind republicanism."
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  26. Bolivia has had as much coups and revolutions in its history (above 190) as years it has been independent for.
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  27. An Art professor created a tree that can produce 40 different fruits, including peaches, apricots and cherries.
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  28. 5% of people have a biological disdain for music, called "musical anhedonia."
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  29. Rapper Jay-Z shot his drug-addicted brother when he was 12 over a stolen ring.
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  30. Australia uses the motion of the ocean to generate zero-emission electricity and desalinate water simultaneously.
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