1. In 1978, a student in the U.S. working a minimum wage job could pay for 4 years of college with no debt.
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  2. Eminem would spend hours studying the dictionary, so he could expand his vocabulary for his rhymes.
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  3. Airplane turbulence caused 3 deaths between 1980 and 2009.
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  4. Jessica Cox became the world's first licensed armless pilot in 2008.
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  5. "Aerogel" is the lightest solid material in the world. A silicon-based solid with a porous, 99% of its volume is empty space.
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  6. The last Moorish kingdom in Spain fell in the same year Columbus reached the Americas.
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  7. The U.S. threatened to attack Afghanistan two months before 9/11.
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  8. Portuguese, not Spanish, is the most widely spoken language in South America.
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  9. Texas has at least 200 ghost towns.
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  10. If the average NYC smoker gave up smoking and instead invested the money in the SandP500, in 10 years, would have US$52,000.
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  11. Dinosaurs often swallowed large rocks. These rocks stayed in the stomach and helped them grind up food.
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  12. The American Civil War claimed the lives of 10% of all Northern males 20–45 years old, and 30% of all Southern white males aged 18–40.
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  13. When a single anti Kim Jong Il graffiti was found in Pyongyang, North Korea, in 2011, they locked down the entire city for 3 days.
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  14. Uranus was the first planet discovered with a telescope.
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  15. When penguin mothers lose a chick, they sometimes attempt to "steal" another mother's chick.
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  16. Lionesses find lions with darker manes more attractive.
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  17. Conventional nuclear reactors only use about 3 to 4 percent of uranium's accessible energy. The energy left behind is what makes conventional nuclear waste.
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  18. The Portuguese word for "turkey" is "peru".
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  19. Sami people in Norway castrate reindeers using their teeth.
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  20. The smallest thing ever photographed is the shadow of an atom.
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  21. It is estimated that the Mexico drug cartels make US$152 million
    per year from growing and selling avocados.
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  22. 19 U.S. states still allow spanking in school.
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  23. Everyone thought Abraham Lincoln was ugly, including himself. Once when he was accused of being "two-faced," he replied, "If I had two faces, would I be wearing this one?".
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  24. It takes 3 years of higher education to become a police officer in Norway. Graduates get a bachelor's degree in "Police Studies."
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  25. In the 17th Century, 1 in every 10 British coins was forged. Isaac Newton oversaw a huge project to recall the old currency, and issue a more reliable one.
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  26. The theory that the Sun is the center around which the planets orbit was first proposed by the ancient Greek Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BC.
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  27. Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space, orbited Earth 48 times aboard Vostok 6 on June 16, 1963.
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  28. The Iconic "Do you know where you are?! You're in the Jungle Baby!" line was actually yelled at Axl Rose by a Homeless man in New York.
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  29. The core of the Sun has a temperature of about 15,000,000 ° C (27,000,000° F).
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  30. 1 in 50,000 penguins are born with brown rather than black plumage.
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