1. During the Cold War, CIA agents used a method of communication based on how their shoelaces were tied.
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  2. Prince Charles has an Aston Martin that runs on wine.
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  3. A new model of the chemistry of the early solar system says that up to half the water now on Earth was inherited from an abundant supply of interstellar ice as our sun formed.
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  4. The average meat-eating person eats about 7,000 animals in their lifetime.
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  5. In 2015, the U.S. has seen as many as 351 mass shootings in its first 334 days.
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  6. The Statue of Liberty was originally conceived of as being a peasant Muslim woman in traditional Islamic dress.
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  7. It takes about 50 glasses of water to grow the oranges to make one glass of orange juice.
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  8. United Artists offered Stallone up to US$340,000 to sell them the rights to the screenplay of Rocky if he agreed to not star in the movie. He refused.
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  9. A bilingual individual can be dyslexic
    in one language and not the other.
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  10. In China, there is an "Elderly Rights" law which makes it illegal for anyone who has parents over 60 not to visit them regularly.
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  11. Titanic II will be a close replica of the Titanic, and is set to sail in 2018.
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  12. Mount Everest's summit temperature roughly fluctuates between -20° C (-4° F) during summer and -35° C (-31° F) .
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  13. In rich countries, obesity is more common among the less educated, but in poor countries, obesity is more common among the highly educated.
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  14. Oklahoma's capitol building sits on an active oil well and has an oil rig out front.
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  15. Sushi is suggested to be eaten upside down, so that the fish is the first thing you taste and the molded rice base won't disintegrate.
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  16. To this day, no one knows how many people died because of Hurricane Katrina.
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  17. Of all the countries that celebrate an independence day, 58 are independent of the UK, 26 of France, 21 of Russia and 21 of Spain.
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  18. A man named Robert Lane named his two sons "Winner" and "Loser."
    Winner grew up to be a criminal, and Loser became a detective.
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  19. The iconic Windows 95 startup sound was composed on a Mac.
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  20. Pagophagia is a disorder involving the compulsion to chew ice.
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  21. The star that's closest to our sun, Proxima Centauri, is still much farther away than Pluto.
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  22. In 1942, astute FBI agents correctly identified a Nazi seeking refuge in the U.S., claiming to be a Jew.
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  23. Only about 1 in 100 marriages in India end in divorce, one of the lowest rates in the world.
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  24. 90% of all major disasters in the last 20 years were caused by floods, storms, heatwaves, droughts and other weather-related events.
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  25. 74% of young Indians prefer an arranged marriage over a free-choice one, a 2013 survey found.
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  26. In the original script, "Rocky" ended with Rocky throwing the fight and opening a pet store for Adrian with the money he made.
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  27. 40%
    of adult Americans have always slept on the same side of the bed.
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  28. There are more than 1.2 billion gamers in the world.
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  29. Thomas Edison's last breath is contained in a test tube in Michigan.
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  30. The Helicodiceros is a plant that mimics the anus of a dead animal, in order to attract flies for pollination.
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