1. David Copperfield has sold 40 million tickets and grossed over US$4 billion, which is more than any other solo entertainer in history.
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  2. Puerto Rico has more American citizens than 21 U.S. states, but can't vote in presidential elections.
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  3. Before criticizing propaganda in his classic novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four," George Orwell worked as a propagandist for BBC.
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  4. "El Colacho" is a traditional holiday in Burgos, Spain, where men dressed as the Devil leap over infants who are lying on mattresses in the street.
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  5. If Malaria was eradicated
    670,000 deaths
    would be avoided
    every year.
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  6. Most oysters can live up to 20 years in captivity.
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  7. The world's most expensive wine averages over US$15,000 per bottle.
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  8. If the U.S. got rid of guns, 12,000 deaths and 84,300 injuries would be avoided.
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  9. If the Internet went down for a day, 196 billion emails and 3 billion Google searches would have to wait.
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  10. Life expectancy in the UK was around 47 in 1900; it is now 80.
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  11. Germany is the world capital of penis enlargement, with roughly 8 in 100,000 adult German males opting for the procedure.
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  12. Michael Jackson donated more than US$500 million to charity, a Guinness World Record.
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  13. The toxin in puffer fish is 1200 times deadlier than cyanide.
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  14. Oysters have three-chambered hearts that pump colorless blood throughout their bodies.
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  15. In 1993, Tupac shot two cops and had all the charges dropped on account of the cops drunkenly pointing a stolen gun at pedestrians.
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  16. 6 out of 10 teenagers in the U.S. say they witness bullying in school once a day.
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  17. Facebook's first annual Hacker Cup coding challenge was won by a programmer at Google. He showed up at Facebook headquarters to collect his prize wearing his Google employee badge.
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  18. Scientists have created glow-in-the-dark cats by inserting the jellyfish protein that codes for bioluminescence into their genome.
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  19. 2% of people who jump off the Golden Gate Bridge survive the fall. One man even jumped off for "fun".
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  20. The "No Animals Were Harmed" moniker on movies only applies while film is actually recording.
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  21. Argentina was the first
    country in Latin America
    to legalize
    same-sex marriage in 2010.
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  22. Thomas Jefferson's net worth is measured at about US$212 million in today's dollars, adjusted for inflation.
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  23. Adolf Hitler was obsessed with America's Old West.
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  24. 1.1 million people died during the four and a half years of Auschwitz's existence.
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  25. There have been serious scientific attempts to study whether or not our "reality" is, in fact, a computer simulation a la "The Matrix."
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  26. The first TV advertisement was broadcasted in 1941 for Bulova watches.
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  27. The whole Harry Potter series contains 199 chapters, 4,224 pages and 1,090,739 words and has been made into 19 hours and 39 minutes of film.
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  28. Los Angeles has the worst traffic of any city in the U.S. and the 10th worst of any city in the world.
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  29. Artist Frida Kahlo was bisexual and cheated his husband with the women that he would cheat on her with.
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  30. Vultures often vomit when threatened or approached. It lightens their stomach load to make take-off easier.
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