There's a restaurant built into a grotto in Italy.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Indian housewives hold 11% of the World's Gold. That is more than the reserves of the U.S., IMF, Switzerland and Germany put together.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The average serial killer in the U.S. has an IQ of 94.7.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The average cost of a night out in New York is US$82.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Elvis Presley was a karate black belt.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Martin Luther King Jr. had previously used his "dream" rhetoric many times before his famous speech in other lesser-known speeches.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The Taj Mahal was covered with a scaffold during WWII to make it look like a stockpile of Bamboo and misguide any enemy bombers.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
More than 86,000 people are injured by tripping over their cats and dogs every year in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
It is estimated that the average person in the U.S. will have spent some 10,000 hours gaming by the time they are 21 years old.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Moon landing conspiracy theories were proven wrong in 2011 when a NASA probe revealed high-resolution photos of the Apollo Moon landing sites.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
21%of all New York City elementary students from all income levels are obese.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
It's okay to pee in the ocean since 95% of urine is water and the nitrogen in urea is used to feed ocean plants.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Uranus rotates sideways and "rolls" around the sun rather than "spinning" like the other planets.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There's an ongoing decrease in the pH of the Earth's oceans: they are 30% more acidic than in 1751.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The surface gravities of Venus, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are all quite similar (within 15%) to Earth's.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The "Doggone Project" in Germany works recycling deceased pets into fertilizer.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
An astronaut threw a boomerang while visiting the International Space Station and it returned to him, even in the absence of gravity.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Elvis Presley is considered the best-selling individual artist of all time, with over 500 million records sold.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In ancient times, Chinese people feared pandas and described them as metal-devouring black-and-white "tapirs."♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Marshad an oxygen-richatmosphere around4 billion years ago.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There's a town named "Cool" and another called "Squabbletown" in California.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
It costs US$8,876 per year to own and maintain an average car in the U.S. That's US$443,800 in 50 years.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
After the Treaty of Versailles, French Marshal Ferdinand Foch said "This is not a peace. It is an armistice for twenty years." Exactly 20 years and 65 days later, WW2 broke out.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The Amazon River once flowed in the opposite direction, from east to west.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
India is expected to be the world's most populous country by 2050. With 1.6 billion people, it will almost equal the U.S. and China's population combined.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
During the American Civil War, it was necessary to print out money in a hurry, so the Treasury released paper bills with designated values of fractions of a dollar.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Noah and Emma were the most popular names in the U.S. for boys and girls respectively in 2014.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Fossil evidence suggests that fish have been on Earth for about 530 million years.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Germany's debt from WW1 was equivalent to 96,000 tons of gold.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 1989, an innocent man was punished with the death penalty in Texas because the jury confused him for another with the same name, looks and height.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE