1. To increase sales, some clothing stores use mirrors with curved glass that make people look about 10 pounds thinner.
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  2. The Kentucky Coal Mining Museum is powered by solar energy.
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  3. The average British garden contains over 20,000 slugs and snails.
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  4. Herbert Hoover, former U.S. President, wrote a book entitled "Fishing for Fun and to Wash your Soul."
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  5. In 2017, a church in Wittenberg, Germany introduced a robot priest, called BlessU-2, that gives blessings.
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  6. A typical microwave oven uses more electricity keeping its digital clock on standby than it does heating food.
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  7. In 14th-century England, some children were baptised in cider.
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  8. The universe is expanding at 74.3 km per second per megaparsec.
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  9. A "flibbertigibbet" is a frivolous and flighty person who is excessively talkative.
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  10. A pioneer of the fire insurance industry was named Nicholas If-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-damned Barebone.
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  11. The operating cost of GPS is just over $2 million a day.
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  12. A Pakistan court banned Valentine's Day celebrations across the country in 2017, since the holiday is not a part of Muslim tradition.
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  13. U.S. families collectively lose out on at least $20.6 billion annually due to the lack of paid family and medical leave in the U.S.
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  14. Way before the Web, France had Minitel since 1978, an online service that gave its users access to online shopping, search engines, porn and message boards. It reached 25 million users in the 90s, connecting to more than 23,000 services.
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  15. When Menachem Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, met someone, he would give him a dollar to give to charity because of his grandfather's belief that "when two people meet, it should benefit a third."
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  16. Inside Singapore's Changi Airport there's a butterfly garden, a rooftop swimming pool and a free 24-hour cinema.
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  17. When Pope Francis released "peace doves" at the Apostolic Palace in 2014, the doves were immediately attacked by other birds, losing feathers and being driven away as a huge crowd watched.
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  18. People under the influence of power act as if they had suffered a traumatic brain injury, becoming more impulsive, less risk-aware and less adept at seeing things from other people's point of view.
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  19. More than twice as many people were guillotined by the Nazis as during the French Revolution.
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  20. Anyone can become a legal citizen of Dominica, in the Caribbean, for US$100,000.
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  21. The Eiffel Tower was inaugurated the same year Nintendo was founded and Adolf Hitler was born: 1889.
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  22. Disney quietly cut ties with McDonalds in 2006 so as not to be associated with childhood obesity.
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  23. Breatharianism is the belief that food, and even water, are not necessary for survival, and that humans can be sustained solely by prana, the vital life force in Hinduism.
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  24. Rolling luggage wasn't invented until 1970. Initially, stores didn't want to stock it.
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  25. In 2016, it was discovered that Beyonce's "Empower Women" clothing line was made by women sweat shop labourers working on less than £5 a day.
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  26. 56% of Americans believed that Adam and Eve were real people, according to a 2014 poll.
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  27. 56% of Americans believe Adam and Eve are real people, a 2014 poll found.
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  28. 7% of all American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows, a survey found.
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  29. 13th century Japan cultivated a particular banana for its fibers, which were used to line the insides of kimonos.
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  30. ‘Cheesy' originally meant ‘excellent'.
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